Fee Schedule
General Fees | Revised: 1/19/2024 |
Stop payment / reprint of official Credit Union check | $35.00 each |
Official Credit Union check (when payable to other than account owner) | 5.00 each |
Photocopy of official Credit Union check | 10.00 each |
Copies of statements | 10.00 each |
Escheatment Processing | 25.00 each |
Account research (one hour minimum) | 25.00 per hour |
Levy on account | 25.00 each |
Escheatment Processing | 25.00 each |
Money order | 4.00 each |
Money order copies | 10.00 each |
Money order stop payment | 15.00 each |
Incoming wire | 10.00 each |
Outgoing wire* (domestic) | 25.00 each |
Bal inquiry/transfer over phone (FREE on Audio [24 hour phone teller] or Web) | 2.00 each |
Inactive Savings Account (Regular Share) when account has been inactive for 24 months or longer | 10.00 monthly |
Deposited checks returned unpaid | 32.00 each |
ACH overdraft (paid) | 32.00 each |
ACH returned unpaid | 32.00 each |
ACH originator return | 32.00 each |
Late Fee on installment loans | 30.00 each |
Skip-a-Payment Fee-if monthly loan pyment is $350 or less | 35.00 each |
Skip-a-Payment Fee -if monthly loan payment is over $350 | 55.00 each |
Loan Modification Fee | 60.00 each |
Christmas Club early withdrawal fee | 20.00 each |
Notary Service for members (1 per day, 4 per month) | NO CHARGE |
Notary Service for non-members or members over set limit | 5.00 per document |
Negative Balance Fee - for any account that remains negative for 15 or more consecutive days | 10.00 per week |
Checking Account (Share Draft) Fees | |
Overdraft Fee | 32.00 each |
Return Item Fee | 32.00 each |
Photocopy of member check | 10.00 each |
Stop payment of member check | 15.00 each |
Stop payment of consecutive range of member checks (per range of cks) | 25.00 |
Account balancing assistance (one hour minimum) | 20.00 per hour |
Inactive Checking Account fee (when account has been inactive for 24 months or longer) | 10.00 monthly |
VISA® Check Card (Debit Card) Fees | |
Overdraft Fee (for Recurring Debit Card Transactions) | 32.00 each |
Withdrawals at ATM | 1.00 each |
Transfer done at ATM | 1.00 each |
Balance Inquiry done at ATM | .50 each |
Debit Receipt Copy | 20.00 each |
PIN Reminder or to Change PIN | 5.00 each |
Replacement Card | $10 first time - $15 each subsequent time within 12 months of last card |
Rush Fee (for rush delivery of a card) | 30.00 each |
Visa Foreign Transaction Fees | 1.00% of each multiple currency transaction (in U.S. dollars) 0.80% of each single currency transaction (in U.S. dollars) |
*Members are responsible for providing the Credit Union with wire instructions. If the information provided is incorrect and the wire is returned/rejected, member will pay the associated fees/charges charged by the receiving institution.